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Another Commissioning

Another Commissioning

A new line of bookbinder machines has arrived at from C.P. BOURG, this time to Pátria Nyomda Zrt...

The BB3102 PUR-C line is a gluing machine with a NORDSON PUR unit. When compiling the configuration, the main consideration was to ensure the flexibility of the machine line. Taking into account the operating conditions, the machine line set up for "mixed" use is suitable for receiving book bodies printed with digital and offset technology.

The automatic book feeder ensures continuous production. In the stacker unit, the books are stored on their spines, thus ensuring that the freshly glued books are not damaged until the operator removes them from there.

It is easy to operate on an iconic touch screen interface. Through this interface, the operator has the opportunity to change the settings, if the automatic, factory-set values do not meet the needs of the produced book and the operator.

The beam creasing unit treats digital papers gently and decisively, even if they are laminated. The large size of the cover feeder also allows the use of covers with flaps, and by changing the number and direction of the creasing , it provides unique solutions.

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  • icon+36 70 941 8079
  • icon2330 Dunaharaszti, Bábakalács u. 5/A